
Our “Risk Factors” OHS training center reaches cruising speed

L’expertise terrain en géotechnique passe au numérique grâce à Geotab


Last June, we launched our new “Risk Factors” health and safety training center. Our objective was to offer OHS training directly related to the work of our teams and adapted to the reality of our employees. The enthusiasm for this training, which is more precise and specialized than those generally offered, was echoed by our partners, which convinced us to open the center’s services to the external public.

Our Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator, Mr. Jean-François Routhier Côté, is himself a preventionist and trainer, and has developed several training programs adapted to the reality and needs of our teams. He took up the challenge of training our employees by giving them new prevention tools and new ways of doing things. This new initiative has been circulated among our partners during our consortium mandates, so that we have been asked to offer these new training sessions to their resources. This new service allows us to respond more effectively to the needs and realities of the projects underway.

Our colleague in charge of the training center recently conducted a joint training session for employees in a consortium including our partners’ resources and FNX-INNOV’s resources. This training covered two important aspects of occupational health and safety, namely safe working in confined spaces and the fall arrest system. It took place directly on site and was greatly appreciated by all participants.

Here are the different training courses offered by the “Risk Factors” center

  • Safe work in confined spaces
  • Use of protective systems
  • Safe use of aerial work platforms
  • Hazardous materials information system (WHMIS)
  • Survey, tracking and sampling of MSCA in Quebec
  • Lockout

This success confirms our vision of offering an in-house service to achieve autonomy and flexibility in OHS training, while becoming a leader in the industry’s best practices for resource protection.

Contact us

Jean-François Routhier Côté,

Jean-François Routhier Côté,

OHS Coordinator

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