
Thanks to the FNX-INNOV community for its great generosity

Communauté FNX-INNOV - grande générosité
Communauté FNX-INNOV - grande générosité

During the month of March, the FNX-INNOV community was asked to participate in a donation campaign for Ukraine. Collection areas were set up in each of our offices to collect materials. The generosity of everyone exceeded expectations!

Indeed, with the war raging in Ukraine and causing great insecurity and forced exile for millions of people, FNX-INNOV decided to organize a campaign to collect donations through all our offices.

As a result of the campaign, a large amount of donations were received and sorted and then sent and distributed directly to the field in Ukraine through the Meest organization. All high demand items such as medical supplies, sleeping bags, tents, survival blankets and thermal clothing were prioritized for shipment to Ukraine. The rest of the donations, which included food, clothing, feminine hygiene products, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, were brought to the Saint-Michel Ukrainian Catholic Church to help refugees in Quebec.

A big thank you to our colleague Jérémy Du Sault-Lapointe for having proposed the idea and organized this campaign from A to Z!